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If seen as a natural way of being and living life, this introduction to Naturopathy inspires a reflective look at ourselves. Who are we and what do we need to improve? How do we relate? What do we do for us? What do we do for our relationships? How are we in the scope  family, professional, religious?
Changing involves taking responsibility for our lives.
What I want? I believe in me? What good do I have? Do I/Do I have time for myself?
In this article I try to elucidate the readers about what is Naturopathy, also known  as Naturology, Naturotherapy, Natural Medicine, Alternative, Complementary or  still Holistic.
Situated in time, this science was born in the 19th century establishing its practices and  theories in the twentieth century. Study ancient, traditional and modern natural methods of  care. Dive into the past and recreate yourself in more recent times, establishing  bridges between antiquity and the present, between cultural and scholarly knowledge. Has as  principle the intrinsic capacity of the body to self-regulation, with the objective of  promote, maintain and restore health; this goal is achieved through stimulation  and support the energy that is inherent in the body, to improve the quality of life,  harmony and balance of human beings with the environment and with the society in which  lives.  
It is a multidisciplinary science that uses a set of resources for prevention and  treatment: such as medicinal plants and flower essences (Bach flower), water,  sun, colors and lights, massages (Shiatsu, Tuina), even counseling, guidance  for healthy eating, the importance of physical activities, quality of sleep,  among others, used and adapted to the specific characteristics and needs of each  individual.  
In addition to being natural, the treatments take into account biochemical health, which is linked to  to foods and liquids that, once ingested, can affect positive health or  negatively; structural health, such as bad posture and a system  Weakened skeletal muscle can damage the nervous system and some organs.  internal; and emotional health, stress, anxiety, and all the other emotions that are  experienced in everyday life and that directly affect the organism. The interaction with what  is around us and with what is inside of us, it conditions our behavior  before others and ourselves, this set being responsible for generating duality  balance/imbalance in everyday life.  
Our organism has a healing vital force capable of recovering from various  affections, of self-balancing (we call this “homeostasis”); being health a  harmonious physical, mental and emotional state and not the simple absence of pain and/or  disease. Symptoms, therefore, appear due to the body's need for  self-regulate and are manifestations that show us our process and capacity  natural healing. So, when showing symptoms, the body is ridding itself of toxins.  harmful and return to its naturally healthy state.  
Responsible for identifying the origin of these imbalances causing the pathologies,  understand and analyze individual needs and guide the use of treatments  more suitable for each person, the Naturopath is a professional in the area  of health who acts as an educator. It works for the evolution of the Human Being, in the  sense of your personal development, and why not spiritual, through the  self-knowledge, proprioception, its relationships with others and with the environment  in which he lives, making each individual responsible for their health, respecting the time  of each one, in order to protect the physical and psychological integrity, as well as to maintain the  interaction with health professionals to promote the well-being and quality of  life in an integral and multidisciplinary way.  
If seen as a natural way of being and living life, this introduction to  Naturopathy inspires a reflective look at ourselves. who are we and what  do we need to improve? How do we relate? What do we do for us? What we do  for our relationships? How are we with the family, with the work, with our  relationship with God?  
Changing involves taking responsibility for our lives. What I want?  I believe in me? Do I have time for myself? Do I give myself time?  
In today's world, at the fast pace at which information happens, it's hard to stop a  moment in our day to reflect on these questions. The proposal here and in the consultations  is to develop and expand self-reflection and realize what is needed to achieve well-being  physical, mental, emotional and consequently, a life with more quality. These are  awareness-raising questions are just a few keys to  self-knowledge and for the transformation to begin to happen.  
How are my lifestyle habits? I eat well, but I don't satisfy my hunger;  I sleep well but feel sleepy part of my day or I have been having insomnia;  I walk every day, but it's commuting to and from work; my bowel works well, day  yes, no day; I drink water in teas, soft drinks, in coffee; In my spare time I sleep, or  I take this opportunity to catch up on my work.  
Have you seen yourself in any of these situations? The reflection here is for some points of  self-care, which in clinical practice are common and important to be reviewed, if the  goal is to achieve a more balanced and healthier lifestyle.  
I believe that all alternative and complementary areas to allopathic medicine have to be  demystified and their information disseminated in order to contribute to the  credibility, so that they are increasingly accessible, to the common citizen and not  only for those who are already part of this universe.  
Understanding that medicine is one, then it is worth thinking that there is a logic to integrate  the knowledge of conventional medicine and non-conventional medicine, in the  national public health system, as is already the case in other countries, for the  benefit of all.  
The point of convergence is common to all: self-awareness!  
Isis Carvalho Gonçalves



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