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Massagem Tailandesa - Tai Yoga

Thai Massage is based on ancient Indian and Chinese massage methods, and its creation is attributed to an Indian medical surgeon named Jivaka Kumar Baccha. The purpose of this massage is to unblock the channels and allow the free flow of energy, using rhythmic movements, palm pressure and thumb pressure on specific points of the body along the energy meridians. It also uses stretching (gentle stretches) and conscious use of breathing based on certain Yoga postures.
Thai or Thai massage is not based on a Western system of anatomy. It is based on energy, prana, which is the foundation of most oriental healing techniques. In the human body this energy flows through a network of channels or Sen lines, nadís or meridians. Health is the balance and harmony of these energies in our body.
The increase in the flexibility index and the balance of the client's energy system is something notorious when receiving Thai Massage regularly. The session is held in a meditative state, flowing like a dance, with its divine rhythm, deepening the connection of body, mind and spirit. The effects are like in Yoga: increased vital energy, relief from tension, unblocking breath and stagnant energy, increased flexibility in joints, stretching muscles, relaxation and a feeling of peace and balance.
*We are professionals and we use this technique for therapeutic purposes. If you are in need of services other than those described here on this site, please do not contact us.

Therapists: Bruno Gonçalves and Isis Teixeira

Consultation - 1h 45€ / 90´ - 70€



Life and Health Coaching

(Online and Face-to-face)


Therapies and Massages

Online and HomeCare

Pain therapy

Tendonitis, Sciatica, Shoulder Pain;

Spine problems in general.

Integrative Nutrition,

Obesity, digestive difficulties, bad breath, excessive sweating, binge eating, anxiety, lack of concentration, ...

We are a family owned and operated business.


Meditation Classes

(Online and Face-to-face)

  We are a family owned and operated business.

Online and Home Care in Lisbon, Cascais, Estoril, Oeiras, Caxias, Parede, Carcavelos, Paço de Arcos, Algés, Belém, Restelo, Alcântara, Santos.



- Butoh Workshops and Courses

- Ayurvedic Yoga-Massage

- Art Therapy - Opening the Body to the Present

- Family Development by Massage

Holistic Therapies  Lisbon

Integral Health & Personal Development
Naturopathy, Life and Health Coaching
Presencial e Online
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