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Massagem Geotermal- Pedras Quentes 

It consists of using hot stones in an oil massage, the temperature of which is individually adapted to each case.
The stones are heated in a special pan for this purpose. This type of stone is basalt, a stone of volcanic origin that retains heat for longer periods.
The stones alternately trigger sedative and energizing responses in the body. Using a specific vegetable oil, we associate manual massage with handling the stones.
Other techniques such as lymphatic drainage or Shiatsu points can also be incorporated according to the client's needs.
The hot stones, when sliding over the muscles, activate the blood and lymphatic circulation providing a general relaxation, the release of toxins and speeds up the healing process of injuries.
This massage is a great choice for anyone who wants to benefit from a different therapy, especially at the coldest times of the year, as the heat will provide deep and unforgettable moments of absolute relaxation.


Open cuts, heat hypersensitivity, severe varicose veins, hypertension, recent surgeries, skin diseases, sunburn and pregnancy.

Consultation - 1h €50 / 90´ - €9 0

(carried out in a clinic in Caxias or in Parede)

Therapist: Bruno Gonçalves and Isis Carvalho Gonçalves.



Life and Health Coaching

(Online and Face-to-face)


Therapies and Massages

Online and HomeCare

Pain therapy

Tendonitis, Sciatica, Shoulder Pain;

Spine problems in general.

Integrative Nutrition,

Obesity, digestive difficulties, bad breath, excessive sweating, binge eating, anxiety, lack of concentration, ...

We are a family owned and operated business.


Meditation Classes

(Online and Face-to-face)

  We are a family owned and operated business.

Online and Home Care in Lisbon, Cascais, Estoril, Oeiras, Caxias, Parede, Carcavelos, Paço de Arcos, Algés, Belém, Restelo, Alcântara, Santos.



- Butoh Workshops and Courses

- Ayurvedic Yoga-Massage

- Art Therapy - Opening the Body to the Present

- Family Development by Massage

Holistic Therapies  Lisbon

Integral Health & Personal Development
Naturopathy, Life and Health Coaching
Presencial e Online
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