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Massagem Ayurvédica Tradicional

It is an ancient technique of Indian origin and is based on the observation of the 3 “doshas”, which involve the physical, physiological and human behavioral part. During the massage, the rebalancing of the “doshas” is sought, promoting the circulation of body fluids and tissue nutrition.
It's an oil massage and its gentle approach,  calm but consistent makes the person receiving the massage  induced  to a state of deep relaxation during the session and also in the following days. Many people  they also often report an improvement in their sleep patterns and general sense of well-being.
This type of massage develops body flexibility, improves skin texture and elasticity, allows for relaxation and correction of the lower back and breathing patterns.
Musculoskeletal disorders such as contractures, arthritis, spondylosis, low back pain, shoulder tension, sciatica, paralysis, migraines, tension, insomnia are alleviated with Ayurvedic massage.
Therapist: Bruno Gonçalves

Consultation at Home- 1h 55€ / 90´- 90€.       Promotional Christmas Price - €40



Life and Health Coaching

(Online and Face-to-face)


Therapies and Massages

Online and HomeCare

Pain therapy

Tendonitis, Sciatica, Shoulder Pain;

Spine problems in general.

Integrative Nutrition,

Obesity, digestive difficulties, bad breath, excessive sweating, binge eating, anxiety, lack of concentration, ...

We are a family owned and operated business.


Meditation Classes

(Online and Face-to-face)

  We are a family owned and operated business.

Online and Home Care in Lisbon, Cascais, Estoril, Oeiras, Caxias, Parede, Carcavelos, Paço de Arcos, Algés, Belém, Restelo, Alcântara, Santos.



- Butoh Workshops and Courses

- Ayurvedic Yoga-Massage

- Art Therapy - Opening the Body to the Present

- Family Development by Massage

Holistic Therapies  Lisbon

Integral Health & Personal Development
Naturopathy, Life and Health Coaching
Presencial e Online
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