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Bruno Gonçalves
, FasciaterapeutaOsteopata e Investigador da Medicina Tradicional Chinesa;

Terapeuta de Massagem, Arte-Terapeuta;

Mestrado em Psico-Pedagogia Perceptiva – Método Danis Bois (Fasciaterapia/Somatologia) em curso;

Pós-graduado em Arte e Terapia do Movimento (Fasciaterapia/Somatologia);

Formações em Portugal, Peru, Bolívia, Brasil e Índia

This course is eminently practical and is intended for anyone interested in learning Indian Head Massage.This massage is known in India as Champi and has been practiced for over 1000 years in therapy centers, family homes and even Indian barbershops at the end of the cut.


It is known in Europe and the United States as Indian Head Massage, and has been widely used due to its enormous relaxation capabilities and proven therapeutic effects.
It became famous in the West because it is shorter than usual (30 to 45mins) and can be practiced in a chair in companies or other workplaces providing moments of relaxation during the working period.
There are statistics that prove that this massage, 1 to 2 times a week in the workplace, improves the quality and efficiency of the worker's performance and that's why it is so requested in offices.
In addition to having a great relaxing and well-being effect, it combats stress, helps to improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, eliminates headaches, promotes hair growth, combats insomnia and anxiety, neck pain, muscle stiffness in the shoulders, neck and neck and increases cerebral oxygenation.
Syllabus :
- General introduction to Ayurvedic Medicine and Champi;
- Indications, contraindications and effects on the body;
- Types of oils, aromas and materials;
- The chakras and marma points;
- Preparation of the patient and therapist;
- Practice the complete massage sequence: spine, shoulders, neck, scalp and face.





Credit Hours: 7 hours


Recipients: Holistic Therapists and Future Therapists, Hairdressers and all people who want to learn the art of Indian Head Massage (Chapi).


Date and place to be agreed with interested parties. 
We can take this course close to you!!!

Curso de Indian Head Massage (Champi) - 7h

Massagem Indiana à Cabeça em Ambientes Corporativos (Empresas)



Life and Health Coaching

(Online and Face-to-face)


Therapies and Massages

Online and HomeCare

Pain therapy

Tendonitis, Sciatica, Shoulder Pain;

Spine problems in general.

Integrative Nutrition,

Obesity, digestive difficulties, bad breath, excessive sweating, binge eating, anxiety, lack of concentration, ...

We are a family owned and operated business.


Meditation Classes

(Online and Face-to-face)

  We are a family owned and operated business.

Online and Home Care in Lisbon, Cascais, Estoril, Oeiras, Caxias, Parede, Carcavelos, Paço de Arcos, Algés, Belém, Restelo, Alcântara, Santos.



- Butoh Workshops and Courses

- Ayurvedic Yoga-Massage

- Art Therapy - Opening the Body to the Present

- Family Development by Massage

Holistic Therapies  Lisbon

Integral Health & Personal Development
Naturopathy, Life and Health Coaching
Presencial e Online
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