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Aulas de Arte Terapia

Nestas aulas vamos abordar exercícios específicos de Consciência Corporal, Ginástica Sensorial e Reeducação Postural que podem advir do Método Feldenkrais, Ginástica Sensorial, Yoga, Movimento Butoh ou Teatro do Gesto, permitem abrir novos campos de consciência corporal e espacial do performer, o sentimento de si e do que o rodeia, a sua presença ao momento e a desinibição em palco.

Estas aulas têm Vida própria e fluem conforme o momento, a personalidade e a entrega das pessoas que estiverem presentes, ou seja, as aulas serão sempre meio que uma ingógnita, dentro da ordem natural das coisas.




Through group classes, open new fields of awareness, work on the performer's body awareness, develop their sense of presence in the moment and disinhibition on stage, increase their mobility and range of motion. It is also intended to promote postural re-education and provide participants with pleasant moments of experience and learning through scientifically proven therapeutic methods. For this purpose, we use specific instruments such as Sensory Gymnastics (Danis Bois Method), Butoh Dance, Yoga and Relaxation exercises, specific exercises for Body Awareness and Theatrical Expression.


Instruments and their therapeutic range:

Sensory Gymnastics (Danis Bois Method)
With the help of specific movement sequences, each member of the group will be able to develop a straighter, more fluid and self-assured posture, increase mobility and range of motion. This gymnastics allows you to perform movements with a minimum of effort, giving attention and slowness to the gesture, becoming aware of your limitations and gradually going beyond them, thus respecting the entire musculoskeletal system. With regular practice, the practitioner develops greater health in muscles, tendons and joints, and clearly understands that self-knowledge can be acquired by understanding our own movement.
Butoh dance
The Butoh mixes elements of traditional Japanese theater, German theater and mime. The best way to describe it is to say that Butoh breaks the pre-established rules of traditional dance and that in it there is a great possibility for improvisation. Butoh connects the consciousness with the subconscious so the movement is not dictated by what is outside,  but it appears in the interaction between the exterior and interior of each one. It starts with imitation for a total discovery of oneself and new realities, essential for an actor who wants to embrace new horizons in his work. ​​
Body Awareness Exercises
These exercises can come from Pilates, Feldenkrais, Yoga, Meditation, Self-massage, all modalities developed intensively by the facilitator during periods of his life. The selection of certain exercises from these different dynamics allows the body to be opened to the moment, bringing strength and at the same time smoothness in the gesture.
Theatrical Expression Exercises – Some exercises in disinhibition and theatrical expression, voice work, breathing and acting will be an integral part of these classes. In all classes there is also an improvisation and extroversion part, aid of music as a means of communication and expansion of their performance, providing relaxation and greater amplitude in the process of knowledge, understanding and representation of oneself and the world.

Goals and developments:
With an attentive practice of these classes, the practitioner will develop new abilities both in the performance movement, as in the daily bodily expression, feeling freer, with greater range of gestures and totality in action; he rediscovers lost childhood sensations, as he feels himself learning again in a more mature body, awakens parts of his dormant consciousness and sets motionless regions of the body back in motion. His performance as an actor or dancer is enhanced towards growth as a person and as a professional.
The monitor will provide some anatomical knowledge during practice, music adapted to the work and availability outside the classroom for any eventuality;

90mins/class – 2-3 times a week; (possibility of reaching other agreements);


Minimum and maximum number of participants:
Minimum: 6 people Maximum: 30
Necessary equipment:
>Large room, where group classes can be held;
>Sound system with cd player or where an ipod can be connected;
>Individual yoga mats for each of the participants;


Target Audience:
Professional actors and dancers, young people and adults who want to improve their physical performance, verbal communication skills in public, embrace new fields of consciousness and possibilities at the intellectual level, concentration and memory.
Bruno Gonçalves (Naturopath,
  Perceptive Psycho-Pedagogue, Art Therapist, Actor)



Life and Health Coaching

(Online and Face-to-face)


Therapies and Massages

Online and HomeCare

Pain therapy

Tendonitis, Sciatica, Shoulder Pain;

Spine problems in general.

Integrative Nutrition,

Obesity, digestive difficulties, bad breath, excessive sweating, binge eating, anxiety, lack of concentration, ...

We are a family owned and operated business.


Meditation Classes

(Online and Face-to-face)

  We are a family owned and operated business.

Online and Home Care in Lisbon, Cascais, Estoril, Oeiras, Caxias, Parede, Carcavelos, Paço de Arcos, Algés, Belém, Restelo, Alcântara, Santos.



- Butoh Workshops and Courses

- Ayurvedic Yoga-Massage

- Art Therapy - Opening the Body to the Present

- Family Development by Massage

Holistic Therapies  Lisbon

Integral Health & Personal Development
Naturopathy, Life and Health Coaching
Presencial e Online
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