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Rosemary, an Ally on Several Fronts

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a common plant in valleys, near beaches and Mediterranean gardens, but it can be found as a "friend" of man, all over the continents and islands for its beauty, aroma, culinary use and properties medicinal.

What most people don't know is that in addition to all these properties, it appears to have the ability to purify the energy of the places where it is planted, bringing bliss and comfort to homes.


It is popular wisdom that a hot immersion bath with rosemary tea tones the muscles, soothes pain, but also emotionally and mentally, it lifts the person's spirits, driving away sadness and melancholic states.


Native Americans, aware of these purifying properties, since time immemorial, have used rosemary in association with other plants, such as rue, to smoke, energetically clean the body and houses. They stated that before a person could be cured of physical symptoms, he would have to clear himself of bad thoughts and negative feelings and rosemary was a great instrument in the sense of transmuting these energies and achieving more balanced states.
























In Aromatherapy it is used against depression, to bring focus and concentration and to provide optimal environments for study and intellectual work.


Medicinally, rosemary leaf tea is used for the treatment of arthritis as it contains anti-inflammatory components and in several liver ailments such as alcohol intoxication and jaundice.


Tonic for the central nervous system, its leaves are rich in  antioxidants, which protect our cells against free radicals that are responsible for degenerative diseases of the brain and responsible for the emergence of cancer, heart disease, among other harm to health. This is also why it is considered a  good ally for mental agility  and can be used to prevent and control Alzheimer's Disease.


Several scientific studies point to it as a protective plant for the liver, kidneys, stomach, and can also help in pathologies such as diabetes and rheumatic diseases.


In Permaculture, it is widely used to ward off unwanted insects and caterpillars to the health of the garden, thanks to its strong aroma.


So, now you know, in addition to enjoying the many medicinal and aromatic properties of rosemary, you can place a vase of this plant at the entrance of a garden or a house so that Life can flow in a more harmonious way. Nothing is lost in trying...


Bruno Gonçalves (Naturopath and Osteopath)



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